Cannes Alerte

Sign up to the free system to warn people of major disasters

A service that keeps us safer

As part of the PCS (Council Safety Plan), public information has now been upgraded with a mass notification system via text, voice message or email. Receive notifications about preventive measures and/or instructions to stay safe: extreme weather, pandemics and local disruption. 

How do I sign up?

Just complete the form and select how you'd like to be contacted in the event of an alert.

By clicking the button below, you will be moving to a new secure external page and leaving our website.

sign up for alerts


How do I amend a subscription or unsubscribe?

Have you subscribed? You can access your personal information.

 By clicking the button below, you will be moving to a new secure external page and leaving our website.

change your subscription


WARNING! This service doesn't provide weather updates. Please visit the Météo France website for weather forecasts.